Start the day off with a steaming cup of water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice 早晨起床后喝一杯热水和鲜榨柠檬汁。
1 . start the day off with a steaming cup of water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice 早晨起床后喝一杯热水和鲜榨柠檬汁。
1 t . of fresh lemon juice 汤匙柠檬汁
Start the day off with a steaming cup of water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice 清晨起来喝一杯温水,再来一杯现榨的新鲜柠檬汁。
You could sweeten your health drink with maple syrup , should you so require , or a bit of fresh lemon juice can also enhance the taste . a delicious and refreshing drink hot or cold 取约8 - 10克,倒入350 - 500cc的热开水,浸泡4 - 5分钟即可饮用可回冲,如果让自己的舌头味蕾有不一样的味道,可酌加柠檬片蜂蜜之类!
In a large bowl , combine 1 ripe cantaloupe , scooped into 1 - inch balls with a melon baller ( about 3 cups ) , 8 ounces bocconcini ( small fresh - mozzarella balls ) or fresh mozzarella cut into 1 - inch cubes ( about 2 cups ) , 2 to 3 thin slices ham or prosciutto , cut into strips , and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice ; season with salt and pepper 取一只大碗,将1个熟的哈密瓜用挖球器挖成一英寸的小球(大约需要3杯) , 8盎司的干酪(小的,新鲜的意大利干酪球)或把新鲜的意大利干酪切成一英寸的方块(大约需要2杯) , 2至3片薄的火腿或意大利熏火腿切成条,和1大汤匙新鲜的柠檬汁,都放入碗中搅拌,用盐和胡椒粉调味。